General Interface

The general interface includes some of the sites most commonly used navigation items. 


  1. Logo - By default, clicking on the logo will take you to the home page. While logged in, clicking on the logo will take you to your dashboard.
  2. Quick Search Toolbars - Located at the top and bottom of every page is a quick search toolbar. You can enter keyword(s) in the search box then click search to perform a basic search.
  3. Notification Icon - When logged in this icon will let you know if you have any new notifications. You can clear this count by clicking the icon and viewing the unread notifications.
  4. Browse - This link will take you to the Browse section of the site.
  5. Login/Logout - When logged out this link will take you to the login page. When logged in you can use this link to log out.
  6. My Account - This link takes you to the My Account section of the site. This is where you can manage most aspects of your account.
  7. Sub Navigation - This section contains links to several important areas of the site.

Sponsored Sidebar

This sidebar is used to display sponsored ads. Ads will appear here and in other areas of the site. Please help support this site by clicking on the ads and buying products from our sponsors.

Featured Sidebar

This sidebar is used to display featured items. Items that we find interesting can be selected as featured items. These items will appear in sidebar as well as the featured section of the website.
