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December 2013

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Tama Speed Cobra Single Pedals

Posted on December 26, 2013   

These are the Tama Speed Cobra 20th anniversary edition pedals - two singles, not the double pedal.

  • The Tama Speed Cobras are Tama's new solution to all of the other high end pedals out there like DW's 9000s, Pearl's Demon Drives, Axis' AL, A21, and GK1s, Trick's Bigfoots, etc.

    These pedals have a longer footboard but they are not attached in a longboard fashion, which means they have the best of both worlds. They still have the heel plate for stability but still have the longer board for the extra momentum. I personally think this is one of the best features. The pedal also has a mechanism called the Cobra Coil, which is very helpful for fast players to get more of a response and keep all the power.

    Compared to the Iron Cobras, the Speed Cobras are a little more expensive, have a lighter feel, and have many improved parts such as the bearings, Cobra Coil, separate beater and footboard adjustments, and the quality of the metal used. This pedal is probably the best pedal on the market if you want something that can go as fast as a direct drive model, but still keep the power a chain drive has to offer.

    The best thing about these pedals is that they are very versatile. You can do any style of music with them, whereas you're going to feel like an idiot trying to do free form jazz with an Axis A longboard.

    I would not recommend upper end pedals for people just learning double bass. Better hardware does not make you play better, it just makes playing feel more at home, some might say. Please do not waste your money on high end hardware like this is you aren't already practicing your technique.

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