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Ddrum Deccabons (6x6, 6x8)

Posted on April 5, 2014   

These are Ddrum's interpretation of Tama's octobans. They are very well constructed (actually, better than the Tamas), and sound a little bit more modern than Tama's (they include a bearing edge where Tama doesn't, etc). They come in sizes ranging from 6 inches in depth to 24 inches in depth. I chose the two smallest ones because they are the cheapest ($169), and I have limited space.

They sound great, and for the price cannot be beat. I wouldn't recommend the Tama ones after hearing both of them in person.


April 5, 2014
  • These are the Ddrum Deccabons in the 6 and 8 inch sizes. They are extremely cheap compared to Tama's octobans (half the price or less) and sound amazing. The sound is somewhat similar to roto toms, just with a little bit more throat and bite to them. If you want an example, listen to a Tama octoban sound test and just imagine a little bit of a brighter and more modern sound. Think Evans vs. Remo (even though I'm still using Remo heads, haha).

    The stock heads it comes with seem to be single ply coated stock heads. They are horrible. As with everyone else, even when I was just testing them the coating started to chip off. Luckily, I heard of everyone else's gripes and ordered new Emperor heads in the same order as the deccabons themselves. They sound absolutely phenomenal.

    As for the build quality: top notch. The metal is chromed out and solid all around. The stand is sturdy and the shells and hardware themselves can take a beating. The only complaint I have about this unit is that the stand is a little limiting in terms of where I can position the drums, but that's more so due to the nature of the octoban drum (skinny, but long).

    Great for the price and amazing in general. If you were looking at octoban drums and don't have any brand loyalty to Tama, then just get these. They are better.

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