
Bass player, vocalist, song writer and cat lover.

Member since:
July 2013

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Line 6 Bass Pod

Posted on July 9, 2013   

I was skeptical about the Bass Pods at first but over time got more and more curious and after looking around, I saw one on eBay for next to nothing so decided to give it a go. Turns out it is actually a great piece of gear! I use it with my Roland Tri-Capture interface (pics coming soon) for demos and sending bass stems to the studio etc. I also use it for my own practice at home but one of the best features is that you can take it to gigs as a backup for your amp - It's small and light and if all else fails you can put it straight through the PA to at least get you through the gig. What I will say is that I wasn't too keen on any of the pre-sets. I really recommend starting from scratch with your bass sounds as well as playing it through a PA or bass amp (rather than just headphones) to get your sound right. At the minute I have a clean patch, a gritty, distorted patch, a fully overdriven patch and a round, fat sound patch. You can also add specific patches for particular sounds / effects you need for different gigs etc


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