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April 2013
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Ernie Ball Music Man Sterling 4

Posted on April 12, 2013   

This is my most coveted piece of gear. I bought it used for around $900 US. It has been my goto bass since the day I got it. My favorite features are the super-fast neck, light weight and sleek look.


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  • Studio Recordings

    April 12, 2013

    I used this bass to record all of the tracks for the PictureYes album Rival. I had fairly broken in Ernie Ball Super Slinkys and took a few mins once before recording to do a quick setup. I played with the pickup selector forward and set the bass' EQ pretty flat with a little boost to the highs and lows. Other than chewing through a battery or two from running through my parts over and over, I had no problems with my Sterling in the studio. I even got a few compliments from the producer and fellow bass player on the tone.

  • Live performances

    April 12, 2013

    I've used this bass for almost every live performance I've played to date. It's really light which makes longer shows more bearable and as I always mention, the neck is ridiculously fast. With the mids boosted a little I can cut right through the mix and make sure I'm not buried in guitar. I use Ernie Ball Super Slinkys and have yet to break a string on stage. The only problem I've ever had is dead batteries, which can be easily avoided by checking your battery charge before shows (it's just an easy thing to forget).


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  • AiXeLsyD13

    September 8, 2016 Reply

    These are such quality instruments. They play so damn smooth.

  • MotaBota

    March 4, 2014 Reply

    Sounds great, love the colour!

  • Dave

    July 27, 2013 Reply

    I love my Sterling, fits me like a glove. The bongos are really cool, I've read some interesting things about them. Haven't had an opportunity to play one yet though.

  • howardtc

    July 19, 2013 Reply

    That's a nice bass, and a cat in my town has one like it, and another has a 5 string Sterling. I considered the Music Man Bongo 6 before I decided that I had to have a bass that was left handed.
