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April 2013
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Markbass Littlemark Tube 800

Posted on April 12, 2013   

This is my gig, practice and studio rig. The flexibility in tone combined with an insane amount of power (more than I'll ever need) make this setup ideal for medium and larger sized venues. In really small venues it really is just overkill (I plan on getting a 2x10 for smaller venues some day).


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  • Studio Recordings

    April 12, 2013

    I used this amp to record all of the tracks for the PictureYes album Rival. I played with the EQ fairly flat. Gave the highs and lows very small boost and set the solid/tube mix to just a hair past noon in favor of the tube. When recording we took both a feed from the direct out and miked my Markbass STD 104 cabinet giving us a full range of tone.


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  • Dave

    July 28, 2013 Reply

    Love mine and I feel like I can really dial in any tone I want.

  • Buddhaofbass

    June 29, 2013 Reply

    A Mark Bass rig is on my wish list.

  • Neil

    May 31, 2013 Reply

    I like the sound of this amp coupled with the Sterling bass. It has enough mid-range that it easily cuts through the rest of the band when you're playing on stage. The overdrive can take practically into fuzz territory.
