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April 2013
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2000 American Fender Standard Stratocaster left-handed

Posted on May 2, 2013   

I bought this new in 2000, sunburst body with white face plate. The bridge pickup on this guitar is my favorite tone on any guitar I've played, it's been a great sounding guitar since the beginning. I did swap out the bridge pickup with a Seymour Duncan hot rails single coil humbucker back when I didn't have a second guitar to get a good heavy sound. This makes it versatile for all kinds of music, but you gotta watch the volume jump when switching from single coil to humbucker on the fly, it ramps up quite a bit. This was my first "real" guitar after learning on a cheap Ibanez electric, and I'll probably play it until the frets are shot.


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  • charlieaxeman

    January 25, 2017 Reply

    Dude thats sick i have always loved sun bursts!

  • Buddhaofbass

    September 9, 2013 Reply

    Beautiful Sunburst!

  • ALaverty

    May 30, 2013 Reply

    Beautiful guitar and definitely digging on the single coil bridge pickup. A little extra chunkiness is always great!

  • Josh

    May 22, 2013 Reply

    I feel your pain, Kyle. It's not easy just looking at his guitars and not being able to play them. This one in particular. Also, I think it is possible this American Strat sounds better than all of the others because of the guy who's playing it. Aka: Neil.

  • Kyle

    May 21, 2013 Reply

    I remember the day this guitar was purchased. I was much jealous. Still pretty much am. It's hard to find an American Standard that sounds this good. I think they must take extra care with the lefties, or it was just serendipity, but this guitar sounds better than nearly every other American Strat I've heard where someone I knew owned it. Would love to play it, but it is unpossible and backwards.
